(Optional) Click Initial SQL to specify a SQL command to run at the beginning of every connection, such as when you open the workbook, refresh an extract, sign in to Tableau Server, or publish to Tableau Server.If your Mac is not on Active Directory, or if you are in the College of Education, you will need to contact us to have a username and password setup for you. Enter for the Server Name, and 30015 for the Port.Open Tableau Desktop, and, on the start page, under Connect, click SAP HANA.When prompted, select Registered User in the Connect As section of the dialog box.In the field provided, type smb://nemo.ad.uky.edu/hana and click the plus icon to add the server to your list of favorite servers.From your desktop, press and hold the Command (⌘) + K keys to open the Connect to Server prompt.

Click and drag the ngdbc.jar file from the JDBC folder to the /Library/Java/Extensions/ folder.In the field provided, type /Library/Java/Extensions/ and click Go.From your desktop, press and hold the Shift (⇧) + Command (⌘) + G keys to open the Go to Folder prompt.Open the newly created JDBC folder, and take note of the ngdbc.jar file.Once downloaded, extract the compressed TGZ file.Download the JDBC driver, available on the UK Software Downloads website.If you need a virtual machine created and added to Active Directory, please contact your respective IT support team. Until further notice, we recommend that OS X and macOS users run Tableau Desktop through a Windows virtual machine. Users that are running a Windows operating system or virtual machine should refer to the Windows-specific instructions. The directions below are applicable to OS X and macOS operating systems.